Install VMware Workstation on Kali Linux

Please following this step by step to installation VMware Workstation on Kali Linux.
i have tried and then the results is very good =))

please choose your need version.

Change permission file to 775

Next, we call the file to be executed
root@[H2]:~# ./VMware-Workstation-Full-9.0.2-1031769.i386.bundle

look like the image below :

next, choose Typical (recommended) and click next

the next section, i choose "I will install the operation system later"

i want install operation system windows, so i choose number one "Microsoft Windows", and on the tab Version please choose your Operating System. look like this image below

Next step, there are two options under
Name : Original your Name Operation System
Location : i choose default path to location VMware
and then click Next.

and  next step, set Disk Size for Operation system. look at the picture below, I give 35Gb and then i choose "Split virtual disk as a single file", click Next

the Next Finish step, so if you want go back to the configuration, please click customize hardware :). click Finish


Do you remember image number two in steps above ??? yeah i think do you remember, right =))
please double click on the "CD/DVD (IDE)"
as seen in the picture below

checklist on "Conection at power on"
if you use the CD room please your select/checklist "Use a physical drive"
but I use ISO image, so I choose "Use ISO image"
and next click Save

Next, please search this tab to start the operating system installation

the next stage install your Operation System to Finish

after the completion the OS installation, then the image will look like this

i say good luck and have fun =))

Author By:
Hidemichi-Hiroyuki a.k.a [H2]


  1. I'm confused. Why do you start off with instructions on how to install VMWare Workstation then a couple steps in, you change to how to create a virtual machine? This was titled "Install VMware Workstation on Kali Linux"

  2. The above steps are the installation phase of "VMware Workstation" as well as the settings in the installation of the windows os.

  3. how to Change permission file to 775?

  4. @Lokiman you can try this command
    Chmod 775 "file name" enter

  5. Step by step tutorial shows you how to install the latest VMware Workstation 11 on Kali Linux 2 Sana.


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