
Showing posts from October, 2013

BBM installation for your linux

Salam pembaca setia Art Of Explo1t =)) postingan kali ini jauh dari pembahasan pengekploitasian system operasi melain kan tahap installasi Android SDK dan configurasi yang di butuhkan untuk installasi BlackBaryy Massanger (BBM) disini OS yang saya gunakan adalah Kali Linux. so, Let's Rock =)) Equipments: 1. Android SDK 2. Apk BBM Firts step. membuat sebuah directory, nama yang saya gunakan development. # mkdir ~/development selanjutnya langsung masuk ke directory development # cd development kemudian install Java Development Kit (JDK). disini yang saya gunakan adalah openjdk # apt-get install openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-jdk icedtea6-plugin selanjutnya extraxt file Android SDK dan pindahkan ke directory development # unzip -x ~/path/file/ # cp -r adt-bundle-linux-x86-20130917 ~/development jika tidak ada masalah lanjut dengan menjalankan file android yg ada berada di directory ~/development/adt-bundle-linux-x86-...

Over Load Wireless Fidelity

Sepintas apa yang ada dipikiran kita jika mendengar kata Over Load. kelebihan pengguna atau kelebihan muatan kapasitas. Disini yang saya bahas mengenai dampak yang ditimbulkan jika proses ini di jalankan di Access Point. saya beri contoh seperti ini: a. sebelum serangan terjadi : client A => Access Point 1 (AP) => Access Point 1 (Accept) maksudnya saat client A mencoba mengakses Access Point 1 maka AP tersebut merespon dan mengijinkan si client A untuk terhubung. b. saat serangan terjadi : client A => Access Point 1 (AP) => Access Point 1 (Denied) maksudnya saat client A mencoba mengakses Access Point 1 maka AP tersebut menolak client A untuk terhubung. mengapa demikian ? Access Point tidak dapat merespon permintaan client A karena di sebabkan muatan atau permintaan yang berlebihan, sehingga Access Point tidak ada kesempatan untuk menyaring client A agar terhubung. bagaimana itu bisa terjadi. inilah cara attacker membuat proses tersebut t...

Configure Pure-FTP on Kali Linux

FTP or file transfer protocol is a protocol that allows you to transfer files to and from a remote machine. BackTrack has pure-FTPd installed by default. FTP operates on port 21. Contents : 1. Installasion 2. Configuration 3. Run Installation Pure-Ftpd # apt-get install pure-ftpd Installation Success =)) Configure Ftpd add new group: # groupadd ftpgroup add user: # useradd -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /etc ftpuser -g =  name or ID of the primary group of the new account -d = home directory of the new account -s = login shell of the new account configure store a list of users: # pure-pw useradd myftp -u ftpuser -d /home/ftp/pub/myftp myftp = your ftp username please enter you password. configure puredb database file # pure-pw mkdb The next entry to the directory /etc/pure-ftpd/auth/ # cd /etc/pure-ftpd/auth then Create hard links by default: # ln -s ../conf/PureDB 60pdb then, make a directory /ftp...

Exploit Samba "SmbClient"

Such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol) samba include things like getting files from the server to the local machine, putting files from the local machine to the server, retrieving directory information from the server and so on. in this case we have to get the victim to allow shared folders or files. Equipments : 1. SmbClient 2. Nmap 3. Metasploit The firstStep. scanning port the victim's ip-address using Nmap. in here that we need right port is port   445  microsoft-ds. # Nmap (Victim Ip-Address) seen in the picture above. I am lucky :) now, let us look the contents of the port # nmap -p445 --script=smb-os-discovery (Victim Ip-Address) --script=smb-os-discovery : Attempts to determine the operating system, computer name, domain, workgroup, and current time over the SMB protocol (ports 445 or 139) . seen in the picture above, it turns out the victim we use Operating System Windows 7 Ultimate.  Computer Name And NetBIOS Name is a ANONYMOUS-...

Analysis [Aircrack-ng Vs Cowpatty] Wifi Cracking

Analysis I made when a friend asked about "what the fastest tool for cracking Wi-Fi passwords". Here I do not compare one with the other tools to crack wifi passwords. therefore I did the analysis. in essence, each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages. please your own conclusions :) Equipments: 1. Aircrack-ng 2. Cowpatty Assistance Tools: a. Airolib-ng  b. genpmk  the operating system that I use the tools already available :) Now, go to start :) Enable monitoring mode 'mon0' # airmon-ng start wlan0 then, run a airodump-ng  for packet capturing of raw # airodump-ng mon0 select the target you want to try. and here I chose: # airodump-ng --channel --write (output) --bssid (BSSID) mon0 --channel : Capture on specific channels "4" --write : Dump file prefix (I store it in the directory /root/ with the name of the output ) NOTE :  the output will be automatically changed into a *.cap ( ex: