Service And Device Class of Bluetooth

The following are some of the list of services and devices in the class that we can use to bluetooth exploitation.

1. List Bluetooth Class Device

AUDIO_VIDEO (Value: 0x00000400)
COMPUTER (Value: 0x00000100)
HEALTH (Value: 0x00000900)
IMAGING (Value: 0x00000600)
MISC (Value: 0x00000000)
NETWORKING (Value: 0x00000300)
PERIPHERAL (Value: 0x00000500)
PHONE (Value: 0x00000200)
TOY (Value: 0x00000800)
UNCATEGORIZED (Value: 0x00001f00)
WEARABLE (Value: 0x00000700)

2. List Bluetooth Class Service

AUDIO (Value: 0x00200000)
CAPTURE (Value: 0x00080000)
INFORMATION (Value: 0x00800000)
NETWORKING (Value: 0x00020000)
OBJECT_TRANSFER (Value: 0x00100000)
POSITIONING (Value: 0x00010000)
RENDER (Value: 0x00040000)
TELEPHONY (Value: 0x00400000)

HOW TO..???

hciconfig = is used to configure Bluetooth devices.
hci0 = the name of a Bluetooth device installed in the system.

for help use this command:
hciconfig --help

Class: 0x000000
Service Classes: Unspecified
Device Class: Miscellaneous,

and then we can try Service and Device value class of bluetooth

command :

hciconfig -a hci0 class [Value]

Class: 0x000100
Service Classes: Unspecified
Device Class: Computer, Uncategorized


Class: 0x400000
Service Classes: Telephony
Device Class: Miscellaneous,

happy exploit

Regards Hidemichi-Hiroyuki a.k.a [H2]


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